Smart Shipping Has Arrived

One thing is certain within the maritime industry, smart shipping has arrived. However, what most people will think is “What is Smart Shipping?” We look at the latest trend in ship digitlisation. After speaking to range of different players in the ecosystem; I will endeavor to try and provide some understanding of this. Smart shipping,…

Maritime connectivity acquisitions

Market Roundup on Maritime Connectivity Acquisitions

Acquisitions in Maritime Connectivity Over the last two months, the maritime and offshore satellite connectivity market has been sparked with a bout of merger and acquisition activities. Interested in other maritime acquisition news? Visit our blog homepage for more articles. Maritime Connectivity Acquisition 1: ViaSat to acquire Rignet In late December 2020, ViaSat announced an…

Speedcast and COMSAT sign VSAT partnership

COMSAT and Speedcast: A Partnership that Enhances Trust and Customised Solutions for the Government

In the midst of global communications and sea-to-land connectivity developments, the government sector is inevitably striving to enhance major defence and communication technologies with key, fully trusted providers of satellite communications and IT experts. Though fewer stories can be disclosed as a form of authentic exemplification on this matter, the formal partnership between Speedcast and…

Cruise Line Connectivity and Partnering Opportunities

Over the years, the cruise line industry has experienced a period of continuous evolution in regards to integral communications and information technologies. Many stakeholders are leading this charge, since broadband connectivity is becoming a crucial component whereby many passengers decide which cruise line offers the greatest connection of all. The idea of people going on…