Cyber crimes

Maersk Cyber-Attack: A Lesson Learned?

[As the shipping industry keeps moving slowly to new forms of technology and digital innovations, criminality has started to make a huge impact on the ocean supply chain. On June 27th, A.P. Moller-Maersk fell victim to a coordinated international cyber-attack, which affected several of its businesses across the world, causing the shutdown of IT systems…

Speedcast and COMSAT sign VSAT partnership

COMSAT and Speedcast: A Partnership that Enhances Trust and Customised Solutions for the Government

In the midst of global communications and sea-to-land connectivity developments, the government sector is inevitably striving to enhance major defence and communication technologies with key, fully trusted providers of satellite communications and IT experts. Though fewer stories can be disclosed as a form of authentic exemplification on this matter, the formal partnership between Speedcast and…

The Scandinavian dream of maritime communications: A transformational agreement between Ericsson and Maersk

Despite the moderate adoption of new advancements on communication technologies and industrial IoT, the shipping industry is still lagging behind in their implementation of end-to-end solutions, data management, and operational processes for integral connectivity. With more than 90% of consumable goods being shipped around the globe, there are still some unimpeachable factors that need to…

Maritime Communications

5 essential reasons offshore connectivity is a strategic necessity.

With growth and post-recession prosperity in the global maritime industry, the proclivity towards real-time solutions and operations is moving forward at a breakneck pace. Increasingly, major maritime segments are realising the importance of sea-to-shore communications. As a result, offshore connectivity has become a pivotal solution to costly remoteness and a lack of central supervision at…